
The message at church today was very inspiring. Pastor Bill was talking about not letting opportunities pass you by. Sometimes there is never a perfect time to say what needs to be said. Take advantage of every relationship. The point that he brought across that really stuck with me was…
“Live your life in such a way that you attract others to what you believe.”
I want to be the type of person that people look to and feel inspired. Part of why I am writing this blog. People struggle all of the time; I struggle all of the time with issues that I know most women have dealt with or have to deal with. I am trying to bring myself closer to God to give me strength and I am trying to bring myself closer to others who share the same heart as me so that I can learn from them and grow.

The best part of my day has been my awesome trip to the Doctors office. They kept saying the word Perfect. Laken is measuring at 6 lbs 13 oz. He’s practicing his breathing, yada yada. He’s Perfect. My blood pressure is good, you’re gaining the right amount of weight, you’re blah blah blah. Everything is Perfect. The baby feels like he might be 7lbs or 7.5lbs, either way he is doing great. Everything is Perfect! I hate to rub it in to everyone who has ever had a child, but mine is Perfect! (already!)
(I could be a duck and talk about the customer service issues at wal-mart, but I am trying to be the eagle!!)

I initially thought that today would be the day that I would talk about a friend of mine who lets the stress of work set the standards for their day. Well, with the progression of MY day I have definitely found myself in some predicaments.
“Lack of Money is the root of all evil.” – George Bernard Shaw
Let’s just say that today I have talked with the hospital, my bank, and my x. The only helpful one has been the hospital. Another thing is let’s just say that I was a bickering “duck” to two of them and not to the one that deserves it the very most.
“Don’t tell me what your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.” – James W. Frick
I went on my lunch break and cried my little Chinese eyes out. The ducts in these bad boys aren’t afraid to be used. Sometimes when I get angry I just want to bang my hands on something, like a door or a table top. I know that that anger was sparked from having a wannabe WWF wrestler as a brother. One wrong sentence to him and you were body slammed to the ground. However today my hands banged together and I talked to the sky. “Lord, please help me.” Then they wiped my tears. Of course things aren’t fixed without trying or action. Finally I calmed and brought myself to a decent manor to start making moves into a comfortable spot. I chalked up my losses and I’m looking at what I have to work with.
“The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.” – Thomas Jefferson
Sometimes you get in these spots of life where your whole world feels like it is tumbling down, but then you look to the Lord and he is still standing still, and you’re still in his hands. I’ll get through this sticky mess. Everything is going to be just fine.
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