I know it sounds strange! My friend Jamie at work shared with me a forward one day, and it really became a funny challenge for us at work. The story is about a cab driver who gives exceptional service to his patrons, while other cabbies don’t take pride in their job and give subpar service. He refers to those guys as the ducks because of their quacking and complaining all of the time, and he wanted to be the eagle who would soar above! In result he enjoyed his job, the customers, and was well off financially. Other cabbies who gave the crummy service had the overall crummy outcome. Pretty much the light or lack of light he brought reflected on his daily outcome. Jamie and I tried being eagles. We were silly about it, but we always tried to reflect and see the positive.
We work in a very dramatic work environment. There is a bunch of finger pointing and talk behind one another’s back. It is tragic. Jamie and I would come to work talking about how we’ve prayed to overcome these situations and not be involved. It is harder than you think. It is very easier to go with the flow of everyone else. However, this will be a 30 day challenge to rise above the ducks and soar.
I'll be doing clump posts throughout the month updating instead of an everyday thing, however i will stick to the challenge and write/date each day. This is going to be very interesting because within those 30 days I will have my son! I am so excited to see how I grow from this experience and challenge. I plan on throwing in a few curve balls. I don’t want it to be just a dear diary sort of posts. I hope that maybe you too can challenge yourself to see yourself as an eagle and leave the quacking behind.
So excited to have you on board. This sounds like an incredible challenge for yourself. I love it. If anyone else is interested in linking up, they can go to http://www.eatpraylovelive.com
This is an interesting challenge, and thank you for the words of encouragement.