Last night i was glued to my laptop. I stumbled upon a great blog, jenloveskev! She was tagged in this questionaire "
11 things" and i decided to do it myself.
Here are the rules..
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you’ve tagged them.

1. My favorite kind of books to read is a memoir. It is great to hear a person’s own perspective on their life. I’ve taken, and dropped out of a memoir writing class. I think I lost confidence in what I’d write. I don’t think I had enough life experience at the time to attract a reader, and I think I might have been too afraid of what I’d learn about myself.
2. I love the feeling of traveling. The most foreign place I’ve been is Israel, and to see how other people live helps put things into perspective your own life. Aside from the sense of feelings so small in this big world, you also get an overwhelming desire to want to live life a little differently, just to try it on for size.
3. I don’t particular like the Texas heat, but I like doing things outside, if my body and will power allow!
4. I used to love cooking, and then I moved to Kingsville. That still baffles me.
5. I used to think I had good ambitions and desire to be more, but I never truly became that girl until I became pregnant & single.
6. People who re-read books impress me. I’m a slower reader when it comes to people who love to read. I’m amazed by a person’s time commitment for a re-read!
7. I try to see the best in the people who are my “enemies.” I’m also surprised I have enemies. I guess we could rephrase that to the people that don’t see eye to eye with me.
8. I am not a “sweets” person, but I love artificial cherry flavored ANYTHING!
9. I am grossed out by long “real nails” and armpits.
10. As much as I didn’t want to move from Austin back to Kingsville, I am so glad that I did. It has knocked me out of my funk, and has turned my life upside down. Turning it around has been so rewarding for me.
11. I have never wanted to be a mommy, ever! Just thought it’d happen someday… Now that it is happening and the changes I feel and see I couldn’t be more excited about being a mommy if I tried.
11 questions:
1. If money, schooling or time was no obstacle, what career would you choose?
I would be an event planner. I love everything about getting down to detail. I don’t have the opportunity to do anything crazy big thus far, but if it is someone’s birthday I always want to do as much as I can! I have a bunch of great ideas of my own when I start to envision things and I have also seen a bunch of great things I’d love to put my spin on and try. I want to be a designer, if I am not considered one already. I think I need more confidence than anything… have any to spare?
2. What’s the one thing you look forward to every day?
Since pregnant, my favorite part of my day is settling down at night feeling Laken move around. I love seeing my belly go side to side in “womp” movements. I can’t wait to meet this little guy.
3. What is your number one, all-time, favorite blog?I have always had a blog. I’ve never found a niche that worked for me and others to read. It was always just about my personal life, but nothing great was happening. It was never inspiring. I have recently started looking at blogs online from other women who just seem like they have it together, but when I get to reading they just make it look pretty & really go through the same things as me. I haven’t come across my all time favorite blog just yet, because I have just started to read others. I’ll definitely let you know when I do find that one special blog out there that steals my heart!
4. Biggest online pet peeve?
Cussing! or constant complaining without a positive outlook anywhere! I am guilty of this from the younger version of myself, but now I just see how tacky you look and how accessible the internet is, I just wouldn’t want to be perceived as a potty mouth negative nancy! But believe me, I understand… sometimes you just wanna say “f*ck, could this day get any worse?!”
5. What is your all-time favorite book?
I know that this is a favorite for most people, and I can’t even pretend to be a hipster and choose a classic or some obscured author or book… but Pray, Eat, Love was definitely a book that got me through a really tough time. It helped me see the positive in things and helped me want to seek some sort of spiritual guidance again. It was really a great book to read at such a difficult forsaken time of my life.
6. What would your “last meal” be?
If it had to be cheap and quick I’d be a liar if I didn’t say a bean and cheese taco. If I wanted to have a meal that I’d remember forever in my life after death… it’d be some type of stir-fry meal… chicken, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, onions, bell peppers, onions, zucchini, garlic, some sort of seasoning, on a bed of white rice with sweet and sour sauce for fun. Yum, yum, yum… lunch time yet?!
7. Do you believe in love at first site?
Absolutely not. Not because I am a hater when it comes to men, because I am truly not. I have just always felt those… I need to know this guy sort of feelings and they have never been who I’d imagine them to be. I am guilty of pretending though.
8. What would your ideal Sunday morning consist of?
Something girly to watch, something fruity to drink, something fun to make, something adventurous to do. Perfect Sundays would be a Sunday Funday in Austin. I miss those… they were not the days I thought about or counted down to in the week, but they always seemed to be the best day out of the 7. I guess it must have been appreciating the finer things. Reading a book on the patio underneath the greenest of trees, having a warm beverage in a cute coffee mug, taking a picnic basket with snacks out to a park downtown to people watch or to the greenbelt to just feel the sun, or just to ride around the outskirts of town to realize that things don’t always have to be in your face busy. I miss a good ole fashion Austin Sunday Funday.
9. Why do you blog?
Stress relieving. I also want to be able to look back on this time in my life… I don’t have anyone to really share this experience with, and this is my way of sharing it with myself and one day sharing it with my son if he’d have any interest in sharing.
10. If you had to choose one color to wear forever, what would you pick?
Black. My mother gets on to me for choosing it when it is an option, but it’s the “most flattering” and who knows how I will look after the baby! Sticking true to my color! Or Shade.
11. What is your all-time favorite band?
If you know me at all, you will know that that is an easy question for me to answer. The Strokes. The way that all 5 of those guys put a song together just puts me in a place where I’m mesmerized. I can be stuck here in this small funky/country town but when I hear a riff or whatever you music wizkids (no pun intended) call it, it just gets me doing a sort of jump up and down journey to the streets of the city and makes me feel like I’m living a life that I want to live. Busy, stylish, fast paced, and chic –and most times that is the complete opposite of my life. It is definitely one band that I don’t relate to any crummy relationship or anything situation in my life. I love them for them and they make me feel the way I feel for me, not anyone else. Music, I love that it is transcending!
Questions & Tagging
I enjoyed the questions that were asked, but if you’d like me to give you a set of question I have a couple on my mind… let me know and I’ll give them to you. I won’t tag anyone, because at the moment I don’t have any particular bloggies that follow my blog to post a blog themselves. The only people I know of so far that read my blog are my friends, some family, and maybe a few girls from an expecting group off of facebook.