I used to read those little caption pictures here and there on FB about stay at home mothers pretty much saying don't act like a mother's job is a piece of cake. If you've ever babysat, worked at a daycare, or have been a full-time nanny... you probably still don't know how much work it is. you could only truly know once you've lived it.

I have written what a paragraph and have had to get up 3 times to do things for my son AND HE IS SLEEPING! (imagine my day). Every meal is cold and usually ate standing up, there is an occasional linger from the diaper genie that really doesn't hide any stench, dishes are either dirty or not put away, showers are vacations but usually are cut short when you have to hold your crying baby while dripping water on the floor, every outfit has some sort of body fluid on it, your trunk is no longer for anything else but a stroller, your hair is always in a ponytail and most the time not even brushed, and you relish the 20 minutes you get to run to the store alone while your mom entertains him. of course, you can ask any mother if they regret it and they'll all say, "I wouldn't change it for the world."
That feeling can steal your heart as soon as you feel that first little flutter in your tummy (unless of course you thought it was gas). Even if you weren't "ready" to have a baby, but really, what percent of babies ARE planned anyway?
Laken is currently fighting a cough/congestion. I waited at Dr. Andaya's for 4.5 hours Friday just to hear what they said to me Wednesday on the phone. Saline drops. I even spent $60 on a humidifier that I personally don't think made any difference, but you'll try anything to make sure your little one isn't in pain.

Mr. Handsome has also been eating rice cereal. He hasn't really grasping the concept yet. His little mouse up there in his noggin takes a break on the wheel sometimes - instead of spinning it rocks back and forth. No, I'm totally kidding... He did WONDERFUL when my Mom came over yesterday and took a turn... with 4 kids under her belt and Laken as the 6th grand-child, it's safe to say that she is a pro! She really is great with him. He LOOOVVES her!

Laken is also a flirt... I promise. Everytime we are anywhere women will gush at him and he just gives them his BEST smile and twinkles his little blue eyes. So, since he's a ladies man... I'm gonna have to teach him how to treat a lady. This little guy will not be treating any little girls bad... no, no. Momma will not raise him that way.
I have a couple thoughts in mind for other posts, and I'm gonna make the time to get around to it. Until then... you can follow 60% of our "adventures" on Instagram. @feistyfeathers
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