here is a little bit of MacBook lingo for ya: i started this post about a month ago and left it as an unsaved "text edit" document on my computer. i ended up "force quitting" and discarding all unsaved documents one day just out of pure annoyance. i figured that all the unsaved documents were published blogs or blogs that i just didn't care to revisit and publish.
anyhow, in light of the heavy job search and the interview tomorrow i thought this would be a perfect time to publish it. i figured you have to tell relative strangers things about you to get a job.. why not tell you guys for entertainment or regret (why'd i waste my time reading this stupid post?!)
this was a little thing going around on a couple blogs that i read from time to time. i haven't been blogging much lately, because i haven't found much "me" time, but being how laken went to sleep at 8 today and i am taking a break from job searching... here goes:

if you really knew me...
you'd know that i am very "particular" about things. that is a nice way my friend valerie put it. let me elaborate...
-dishes: i have to scrub them with a certain brush and rinse them before i can put them in the dish water where they will then get washed with a sponge.
-coaster: at one point i feel like i started to collect them. you have to have your drink on a coaster, and i am pretty sure that i got that from my mother. my coffee table is pretty much ruined from living with tiffany, kira, and bree (thanks girls) and my dad taking it apart while moving my furniture.... but still... you better put a coaster under it. oh and no drinks NEAR my desk. (except for tonight... right now. i am sipping some hot green tea in my "J" mug sans-coaster! yikes! rebel).
-editing: no writing on anything that i've designed or editing anything i've created. "no, no boo-boo," as my cousin joslynn would say. lol. very big pet-peeve. i'm sure i'm not alone. designers? (and while we're on pet peeves... i don't like ghetto text talk "da" "b" "n" for "the" "be" and "and" or constant ridiculous misspelling. **i know... am i one to talk? the girl who HATES capital letters at the beginning of words/sentences & improper punctuation)
you'd unfortunately know that i like to pick my nose. it all started innocently enough as a child, but grew more intense and out more out in the open when i had my septum pierced. before flipping it out i would have to make sure a slimmy or crusty little green friend didn't decide to snuggle up against the shinny metal in my nostril, and of course i didn't want it to make its appearance so i picked it off. and then why stop there... lets clean the whole cave, because no one wants a bat hanging out in there. it's gotten worse now that i have laken... he's only added two more nostrils to the list. if he's got something in there... you best believe imma pickin' or suctioning that booger out! (pun intended)
you'd know that i have a messy past. its not any more messy than the kind of life most of my peers are living. i had a messy break up and dealt with it immaturely in the beginning but have evolved past everything and accepted the things that i can not change. (refer to the serenity prayer... i don't follow prayers, but it fits how i feel about the whole thing)"do not judge me from my past, i do not live there anymore"
you'd know that if you ever came over to my house unannounced that i'll most likely be in yoga pants, although my yoga pants probably only practice yoga (now) maybe 10-15% of the time they're worn.
you'd know how strongly i feel about flip-flops not being shoes. i don't care about any other person's feet and how or where they wish to wear their shower shoes/house shoes out in public.... i just don't agree to it for my walking machines. and i hated, hated, hated the last month and a half of pregnancy because thats all these then fat feet could fit in. (and the dumb things gave me a corn... yes! i know... corn should only be for eating... not to accessorize your foot.)
you'd know that i jump at oppurtinities to create/plan! if there is a party... let's pretty the details. if you have an idea... i wanna expand on it. i can't shake it, its just something i love to do. you'd also know that laken has put me on restriction from allowing that part of me to thrive - momentarily.
you'd know that i am ever growing, ever changing. i'm molding into a person i am very much proud of. i'm living by God, growing in faith, and trying to reach other women who open up to me. I want to encourage others that they, too, can find strength within the Lord. He can heal your wounds! you're not alone! :)
keep it classy blog/internet world... job search time, once again (and my tea is getting cold!)
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