there are some big changes going on in my life. i haven't mentioned this to anyone unless they ask, but i got laid off from my job while i was on maternity leave. i found out one month after i was gone. at first i was really upset, but then i got to thinking... i would never have left that negative place if it wasn't for being laid off. sometimes it would be a grueling 8 hours to work through because my boss was extremely rude or because the guy underneath him was plotting to get another person fired all the while this other guy is trying to get the whole job site closed down so that he can show his authority. oh to work in construction!
anyhow, i started collecting unemployment and have mildly been looking for a new job. i get extremely sad at the thought of leaving laken with a baby sitter while i go work, but my sister told me to look at it as making his life better by providing. (which i know will be rewarding once i do get a new job).
well for a while i had been living my life in the mentality that i will be leaving kingsville and going to austin... i don't want to date anyone here i don't want to connect to anyone here that isn't my core 5-6 friends. what kind of life is that? i have decided to live for the moment and enjoy what i have right now. i wouldn't say that i wasn't happy with myself, but i could be happier. the only person that is standing in the way of that happiness is me. so i have been making steps to change it all.

my first main focus is to work on my faith. i want to be stronger with my relationship with God and i wanna grow in my faith. plain and simple. I have been doing my own Bible studies and I have been reaching out to fellowship with other believers. I want to live a life that pleases him, for he has given me so much strength in my life.

second, i would like to be happy in my own skin. i have never been particularly skinny or plain out FAT for that matter. i have always been a bigger girl, chunky. i have my metabolism working against me, but who says i can't fight back? i had been wanting to post about this a while back when i first started to try to lose weight but... then it would make it real. real in the sense that i'd have to stick to it, or everyone would know i gave up. silly, i know, but you might feel the same way. i mean every attempt i'd try to eat better i'd start off as an angel in the morning and then i'd be stuffing spin dip and a strawberry margarita in my face at night. i've stumbled on some guidance to weight loss and i've been sticking it out strong. just ask any one of my friends (kayla, valerie, or bianca - they've all tried to tempt me out of it). i'll post more on this adventure in a later post... especially because august 8th is coming up and that day is very special to me.
this list continues with smaller things such as: blogging more, starting a freelance event planning, getting my finances in order, etc.
i am going to be starting a new blog feature as well... i am going to feature inspiring women mostly mothers or just inspiration that i can throw your way. everyone needs a little bit of encouragement now and then.
and news in laken land... he is 3 months old as of yesterday. i am going to make a post with his 3 month pictures soon!
hope you're gearing up for the weekend! :)
I'm sorry to hear you were laid off, but it sounds like it's kind of a blessing in disguise :) He's getting so big!!! I'm excited to read about all these new things you have going on!
ReplyDeleteI agree! He IS getting big... my arm is gonna fall off as proof!
DeleteI'm proud of you Jessica!
ReplyDeleteThank you Liza! :)
Deletegood luck Jessica. Take it one day at a time. You are a very strong woman.
ReplyDeleteYes ma'am. And you've gotta do what you can with the time you have today.
DeleteAnd thank u!
DeleteI know this is super old, but... I am super happy to hear you are working on this stuff. :) It's tough stuff and I know my journey with Jesus has been ROUGH. but he is always so freaking faithful, it's crazy..... I'm on my own journey there too. After you left the OG, I knew crazy stuff had happened and I SO badly wanted to reach out to you and I always regretted it, and I love that... even when believers mess up and don't take those opportunities that we should, He seems to find more opportunities b/c he doesn't give up on us. If you ever need anything at all, prayers, encouragement, girlfriend I'm there! :) i'd love to be that for you, just as you are doing that for others! it's tough, and we gotta fight through this journey to the end together! :) and your baby is just... gosh. one of the most adorable boys ever! :) hahaha
ReplyDeletethank you. I wanted to reach out to you at that time, and I wanted to confide in you as well... I was in such a horrible place, but it's pushed me to be where I am now. but thank you again! I'd like that!