I was wracking my brain for what to get my mother for my baby shower last week. I wanted to make sure that she felt special as well because as a single mom, i will be needing my mom to help me! she is sort of "expecting" too. I was looking up all kinds of survival kits and i mixed ideas together and came up with this...
i bought a storage box from target. it was real cheap, under $5.
i attached a card to explain the contents. i was running out of time so i used a template off of word that was for a thank you card or something. instead of making it a folding card i glued the front and back together, punched a hole and tied ribbon through it to the gift bag. (not shown)
anyway, it reads:
"we are in for a ride and i know you'll be there by my side. this kit will help you help me, because we all know how difficult i can be. in here you'll find some marbles in case we lose any of our own, a candle so you can be my guide, rubber bands to help you stay flexible, tissues for cleaning up those little messes, tooties rolls to remind you of the important "roll" you play, 2 pennies so you'll have enough "cents" to realize how valuable you are. when those things wont get your through a baby sitting session, i have also included 2 pacifiers, 2 handmade burp clothes, extra change of clothes, baby bath, nana's special baby powder, wipes, band-aids, adult ibuprofen, and a tide stain-remover pen. get ready nana... laken is coming!"
i used scrapbook stickers to label the kit: "nana's survival kit" $1 @ walmart.
everything was fairly inexpensive and found in the travel section, baby isles, and just around walmart.

the burp clothes are home made. i used gerbers 3-ply cloth diapers. and followed suit to the ones you will find on google image search "handmade burp clothes." pretty simple.
i found the onesie at walmart for next to nothing and used iron on letters my mom had in her sewing kit.
other than that i didn't go crazy on the pacifiers because babies are a little particular when it comes to those sort of things and i didn't want to spend alot if he isn't even going to use them.

i'm overall satisfied with the gift. i had to read the card to her because she started crying on the first sentence. (wimp..) then i got to the last sentence and balled my eyes out in front of my whole shower! here is that little mother daughter moment.

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