because i don't want to mix up holidays i am going to dedicate this post to posting a few pictures from thanksgiving. thanksgiving... the holiday that gets shorter and shorter with the trump of black friday -- yuck. i wrote in my phone what i was thankful for, but i am going to write from the heart... on this day in december... what i'm thankful for.

I am thankful for God, who is always forgiving, graceful, loving, everlasting and never changes. he is strong when i am weak, and loves me and has his way to work in me when i turn against him and give into my own desires.
my parents... they're always helping me out with my little man. they help keep me sane, fed, and are always giving me words of encouragement when i need them the most (they just sense these sort of things).

adrian... we started out as bf/gf and now we are just trying to focus on ourselves while enjoying each others company. he is probably the most difficult, most strange guy that i have ever dated, but he is amazing. he and i are alot alike, and i LOVE IT. he is a huge helping, loving hand with laken (even though laken has a way of making you want to pull your hair out). he gives me a glimpse of what it would be like to have a family, and its beautiful. he makes me want to be a better me, and every girl/guy needs that in a partner or a friend. he's taught me how to accept and love things and people that cannot be changed.

my family... from sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins... i have a special relationship with each and every one of them and my life is more full and more unique with them in it. i was blessed to be born into a family who will never give up on one another, and always wants to see the best for each other.
my girlfriends... these girls are really invested in my life. they help out with laken or a listening ear when i need to vent. they've been around for many years and i am so grateful that i became a mother and went through all this "change" with them present. they're a big part of the reason that i know that i am where i need to be.
this blog... i am thankful that through this blog i am/was able to reach out to many single mothers going through similar situations. its a crazy world out there, and we all have to know that we are not alone. being a single parent isn't a pity card, its a selfless decision, and one that takes encouragement. i am happy to speak with anyone about struggles we face and i am glad that this blog has given me a chance to share my story and get a chance to hear others.
my creativity... i may not be better than this person or that person, but i do know that i have been blessed with a creative spirit. i am thankful that i am able to share my ability with others to help their event, organization, business... whatever it may be. we are all called to earth to fulfill a purpose and i believe this is mine.
the ability to forgive... i am thankful that i have a forgiving heart... there are many things that can hold you back and keep you trapped in your own misery, but i am always able to look past the wrong doing and keep moving forward. alot of people haven't been able to find this ability, but its there... and its wonderful.

last but not least, i am thankful for my little man... he brings joy to each day. he amazes me with all the new stuff he is able to do. he has taught me patience, a new kind of love for myself and others, he keeps me on my toes daily to be the person that i need/want to be. he is a handful and can straight up stress me out... but if that handsome little, blue eyed boy is going to be the reason my day is bad then life is great!
happy thanksgiving in december you guys... and don't forget to slow down this christmas and remember all the many blessings that we have.
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