dear little baby laken,
you are growing up to be such a handsome little guy. and i thought you were cute right outta the oven.. who'd a thought you'd be THIS cute.
you are a little firecracker. i love waking up to your face. well, sometimes i think... come on laken... sleep just an hour longer! but then i look at your little baby blues and your ear to ear smile and i join along with you in your stretching! you're a fighter little guy, just like your momma. however, you like to fight the wrong things... your sleep and your bottle when its in your mouth... then you get mad because you want the bottle or you want the sleep. and i know when you're older you're gonna wish that you took better naps. i promise.
you eat like a monster, sometimes you eat too much and then we both get to wear it. you just fuss too much until you get a bottle (it is sometimes the only thing that will soothe you - chunk butt). oh boy, you little piece of work. i love ya anyway!
you're not quiet wearing 0-3 month clothes and you hardly fit in newborns anymore... i wish that hanging around in diapers was acceptable, but when you are in diapers i feel like the bad guy when i am patting your back.
when you're in other peoples arms you're always looking for me. like you think i'm the prettiest girl in the world... even when i'm greasy looking like a potato chip. thanks for that, but you'll soon see that these people that have you in their arms are pretty good looking too!
thank you for sleeping throughout the night and being the best part of my day. love you little guy to two infinity and beyond!
Oh Boy Mama! He is CUTE! :)