Although we have only had a few cold days and its hardly time to trade in the flats for a pair of knee length boots it sure feels like a change is happening in my life. My best friend/brother moved away, Laken is growing into the big-boy baby season, and there is a dawning of a new relationship.
It goes without saying I have become the worst blogger ever… i just haven't had this thing on the fronts of my mind, but i don't want to neglect it. I have beautiful pictures of laken from the beginning of this fake fall season and I'd love to share them on here.
Laken is 6.5 months already, and I can't believe it.

He does an army crawl/rolls till he gets where he needs to be. It scares me because he has already fallen off the bed. In my defense, we were at my aunts house where the bed wasn't pushed up against the wall (like it is at our home). Still… VERY SCARY.
He is teething. I can feel teeth buried under his gums, but it feels like he's got a ways to go. Poor guy. He likes to bite of fabrics and anything hard. Sofie the Giraffe has been put to work! I've also been occasionally using the Orajel teething tablets. A mother at MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers) swore by teething tablets. I have tremendously cut down giving them to him on account that my man-friend swears against things to "weaken the body." I bet thats the only time Laken doesn't like Adrian.
He is still wearing 3-6 month clothing, some stuff newborn. He is a big baby, but maybe clothing companies just don't size things correctly??
He has been pulling up and holding onto things to stand. He has also been running in his jumper.
As much as i love seeing babies Laken's age doing all these extraordinary things… I am just fine with how amazing Laken is.
Now the pictures. Its been so long since i've posted, and I don't wanna drag this update on... so i'll keep it simple.

laken decided to run for office.

laken had a lunch date with all of beautiful "aunts."

starting hanging out and dating this handsome, smart guy Adrian.

mommy ran her first 5K

aunt laina turned 30! and she is fabulous!! is baby jojo!

our cousins tiffany and jessica joined in on the celebration!

laken was my handsome escort to chick night as i was dressed as audrey hepburn, which was amazing. the night - not the costume.

adrian has been completely wonderful with laken

my little dude dressed as a gnome for his first halloween!

and on the 6th Laken and I voted together!
I'm excited for the holidays and for what the future has in store of Laken and I. I hope to update more, but i feel like i say that all the time. so, we will see. "I only live my life one quarter mile at a time." psh...